Paraffin Oil
Liquid paraffin oil is a mineral oil and is a by-product of crude oil distillation. It is transparent, colorless, odorless, and tasteless oil, which is composed mainly of high-boiling alkane derivatives.
Paraffin oil is used in the cosmetic industry in the preparation of a number of solid and liquid brilliantine, moisturizers, cold cream, and lotions, as well as in makeup products such as lipstick, lip balm, and foundation cream.
It is also used in skin treatment, especially in treating diaper rash and eczema.
Phenoxyethanol is a preservative used in many cosmetics and personal care products. Chemically, phenoxyethanol is known as glycol ether. It is an oily, slightly sticky liquid with a faint rose-like scent.”
In perfumes, fragrances, soaps, and cleansers, phenoxyethanol works as a stabilizer. In other cosmetics, it’s used as an antibacterial and/or a preservative to prevent products from losing their potency or spoiling.
Polysorbate 20
Polysorbate 20 is a gentle, oily, liquid cosmetic additive that functions as a nonionic surfactant and wetting agent that enables the liquids to spread easily. It helps to diffuse oils throughout water and to prevent the oils from clumping or settling. It is used in cosmetic formulations to improve the texture, feel and scent of the product.
The Polysorbate ingredients help other ingredients to dissolve in a solvent in which they would not normally dissolve. They also help to form emulsions by reducing the surface tension of the substances to be emulsified.
It’s soothing, non-irritating quality makes it ideal for addition to formulations for bath products, for body and facial cleansers, for baby products, and for other transparent and scented products, as it helps retain both the fragrance and the clarity.
Polysorbate 80
Polysorbate 80 is a nonionic surfactant, solubilizer and emulsifier often used in cosmetics. It is a viscous, water-soluble yellow liquid. It is derived from polyethoxylated sorbitan and oleic acid.
Polysorbate 80 is used as a surfactant in making soaps and a variety of products including skin fresheners, skin care products, skin cleansing products, makeup bases and foundations, shampoos, permanent waves and fragrance powders. The Polysorbate80 ingredients help other ingredients to dissolve in a solvent in which they would not normally dissolve.Polysorbate 80 is also used as an emulsifier to combine oil and water.
Propylene Glycol
Propylene glycol is a viscous, colorless liquid, which is nearly odorless but possesses a faintly sweet taste and absorbs water.
It is used as a humectant, solvent, emollient or preservative in various skincare products. It is best known for the attributes of a hydrating and delivery ingredient. This means it retains moisture in your skin and aids in better absorption of potent ingredients into the skin.
Propylene glycol acts as a humectant which makes it good for skin hydration and also to resolve your skin dryness and dull appearance. It offers moisturizing effects too by making your skin smooth.
Propylene Glycol helps to slow down the pace at which your skin ages. It also works as an emollient to create a protective layer on your skin. This prevents water loss and results in smooth and healthy-looking skin. Propylene glycol is safe for acne as it is not oily. It helps to heal the skin with time and fade the acne.
Salicylic Acid
Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid. It’s well-known for reducing acne by exfoliating the skin and keeping pores clear.
Salicylic acid is used in higher concentrations as a peeling agent for treating acne, acne scars, melasma, sun damage, and age spots. It’s so effective that it’s used in wart and corn removal solutions, it’s also safe to use for dark skin that are prone to pigmentation.
Sepi White
SepiWhite is a well-recognised skin lightening and brightening ingredient suitable for all skin types.
It has been proven to be very effective in controlling hyper-pigmentation in people of all skin tones. It promotes a more uniform and radiant complexion. It is oil-soluble. It has a pH range of 5-7 in any base cream.
It is used in making anti-aging products, skin rejuvenating products like moisturizers, revitalizing products like toners and so on.
It helps to promote a more uniform and more radiant complexion, it is used for all skin types and promotes a more even skin tone.
SLS stands for sodium lauryl sulphate, it is also known as sodium dodecyl sulphate.
SLS is a chemical surfactant.This means it lowers the surface tension between ingredients, which is why it’s used as a cleansing and foaming agent.
It is made of a hydrocarbon chain (palm oil, coconut oil or petrol), attached to an acid (sulphuric) bonded to an alkali (Sodium Hydroxide).
The main reason it is used for cleaning products is that it is a great cleanser. The reason it is a great cleaner is that SLS is a degreaser. This means that it can break down fats and grease so that they are easily washed away. It is used in making products such as lip balm, hand sanitizer, makeup remover, facial cleanser and many more.
Snow White
Snow White is a natural skin lightening powder that is added to body creams and lotions. It helps to reduce spots, blemishes and improve skins elasticity and hydration. It is used to make whitening creams and body scrubs. It also helps to make the skin glow and improve moisture levels to prevent aging. It evens skin tone.
Sodium Lactate
Sodium lactate is the sodium salt of lactic acid, and has a mild saline taste. It is produced by fermentation of sugar, such as corn or beets. . Sodium lactate is commonly used in cosmetics as a preservative, exfoliant, and humectant.
Sodium lactate is a liquid salt that can be added to cooled lye water in order to speed up unmolding time. It produces harder, longer-lasting bars of cold process soap.
It’s also an extremely effective humectant,which keeps skin moisturized longer.
Sodium lactate is especially useful when creating soap that is palm free, or contains a high amount of soft oils. Using sodium lactate makes this soap easier to unmold, which speeds up the drying process.
Sodium lactate can also be used in lotions to create a thicker; more hydrating product.
Stearic Acid
Stearic acid (SA), also called octadecanoic acid, is a saturated long-chain fatty acid found in humans, animals and some plants.It appears as a waxy, yellow-white, solid substance.
It’s used commonly in the manufacturing of soaps and hair care products such as a shampoos and household cleaners.
It has properties that make it a natural cleansing agent, capable of helping remove excess sebum (oil), dirt and bacteria from skin, hair and other surfaces. It’s also an emulsifier, emollient and lubricant.
It helps remove dirt, bacteria and other substances from the surface of skin. Stearic Acid also gives a creamy and “waxy” feel to body care products.It can lock in moisture and dryness by protecting the skin’s surface against water loss and creating a waxy protective barrier.
Vitamin C Crystals
Vitamin C Crystals provide pure, Vitamin C in a convenient dosage form. Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient which encourages collagen production, helping to maintain the skin's flexibility and elasticity. It prevents and reduces fine lines and wrinkles while powerful antioxidants neutralize free radicals. The health of your complexion is increased, and the skin takes on a more youthful tone and texture. It can be mixed with serums or moisturizers to help protect your face and reduce signs of aging.